Friday, December 28, 2007

Summer has teeth

Well what a difference a couple of weeks makes. Here I was whinging about swell and then it all started cranking up. At the moment we have a monsoonal low system that is trying to fire up off the central coast of Queensland. All of the forecasts have changed radically every 6 hours over the last 18 hours. At this stage we are looking at a low pressure system that may or may not develop into a cyclone. It may or may not turn SE or SW and smash the coast but it will definitely intensify over the next couple of days. If it gets really big the banks out the point are gone for sure, but we may get 1-2 days of big goodness if the wind behaves itself. Most websites are calling for something between 10-20 feet for about the next 5 days with southerly winds. It is a matter of time right now, what have you got up your sleeve Huey ?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Whinge and win

The amazing power of the internet has been revealed once again. The day I wrote my previous post the surf cranked up in a decidedly un- summerish fashion. We've had swell and light S-SW winds for a week. The sand out at the point has been groomed almost perfectly so there are barrels no matter what the tide is doing. There may be a problem with writing this without whinging so I'll finish by saying "Come on Huey, bring it on!"

I am only posting text at the moment because Telstra throttled us for downloading over 12 gigs. Bastards.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Summer sucks

North Wall winter '07 Le-Ba contest. Summer sucks. We have a 4' East swell today and southerly winds but this is the first time in ages that all the conditions have coincided. A brief respite from the northerly wind chop. Maybe this year the BOM warnings of a nasty cyclone season might actually happen.
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Mick Fanning Congratulations

Woody and Adam and their deranged tribute to the new World Champ

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What we all knew about the war in Iraq

So there were weapons of mass destruction and an evil dictator that the west had to remove for the good of everyone in the Middle-East. Now everyone knows that there were no WMDs and Saddam , who was funded by the USA in earlier years , is pushing up daisies thanks to the good people in the White House. Here in Australia we could see straight through the smoke and mirrors that the Bush people were trying to use to de-focus everyone in the "West" from the real agenda. Most American people that rely on the TV news for their info probably thought that Oz was right behind the actions of the all conquering Bushy. Wrong ! We were all sick of the attitude that we had to follow the US of A into increasingly dodgy situations just to help one demented little dude achieve his "mission from God". Everyone can now see that the coalition of the willing is rapidly becoming the coalition that you have when your mates say "you're mental mate and we're out of here".

Australians have just elected a new leader that will respect the USA and our treaty arrangements but will not get down on all fours and say "OK George , whatever you say mate" .

Your chance is coming America,make the change that the entire planet wants to see.